Three Cheers for My Husband
I just realized that I have not written anything on this blog about the wonderful man I married. We've been married for six years now and some would say that my lack of information on him stems from that fact. I don't want you be confused though, he's not just part of the furniture. Although, there are times when I'm afraid the furniture is becoming part of him.
He's not a romantic man. He's never been a romantic man. Non-romantic people do not suddenly wake up one morning being romantic. He will never become romantic, and I can depend on that.
He will always wait until the last minute to buy gifts for me on special occasions. He would site the reason as just not knowing what to get me, but it's really that he's just not romantic.
He will never throw a ton of flowery compliments my way. He's not going to jump to meet me at the door when I come in from work, and he may not kiss me near as much as I would like for him to.
BUT--Lots of times when I come in from work there will be cold Dr. Pepper waiting for me on the counter. He likes to come up behind me and kiss my neck while I am washing dishes or cooking supper. Plus, he gets up and goes to work everyday. He cooks supper about twice a week and he gives the children their baths about three times a week.
He is always patient with the kids. He believes in sharing all the wonders of this world with them. And I will always have memories of things like the days that he would sit for hours holding one of the girls while they slept. I'm not talking about times when they are sick or restless. These were (and are) times when he just needed to hold them. During those times, it hits home that we are in this thing together. He is just as wrapped up in those two little girls as I am.
He's dependable. He gives me stability and I know I can trust him. So what if he never takes me dancing. We are wrapped up in the dance of our busy lives and he leads me, step by step, every day. No, he's not romantic. But he is in love and he's not alone. I'm right there with him.