Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Let's All Throw a "Christian Party"

Headline this morning on MSN--"Dean Defends View of GOP as 'Christian Party.'" It's time to stop the insanity.

Let's start with the fact that Dean was name-calling in the first place. The first rule of public speaking should be to never deal in absolutes. You cannot say that a political party is made up of entirely one demographic. It's like those tricky questions they give you on I.Q. tests. "If all snerks are snerds but not all snerts are snerds, is Howard Dean still an idiot?" Yes.

He was wrong to say such a thing in the first place. But he's even more stupid to try to take it back. I believe that a law should be passed that if you say something stupid, you should not be allowed to even try to take it back or apologize in anyway. If you have the capacity for idiocy, you should have to bear the consequences of idiocy. Also, if you say something brilliant (hypothetically) but it offends someone, by golly, you ought have the balls (excuse the expression) to say, "Tough. Get over yourself."

In response to Mr. Dean's comments, I am appalled that being a white Christian is such an awful thing these days. I am appalled that Dean, admittedly a "white Christian," is so ashamed of those two facts himself. I guess its okay to believe anything as long as it's not the Bible or the resurrection of Christ. It's okay to be any race, except white. If you are one of those unlucky people, don't let yourself associate with enough others like you to become a majority anywhere. That would be wrong.

Diversity is going to be the downfall of our nation. Hear me out. When you start pandering to everyone and don't truly stand for anything you are headed down the path to destruction. That's what happens when someone becomes afraid that they will offend someone by standing up for what they believe.

How refreshing it would be to have someone make a comment and dare to say, "I don't care who doesn't like it." What good is the 1st Ammendment if we don't have the guts to use it?


Blogger tugboatcapn said...

How cool is it that Howard "YEEHAAAAAAH!!"Dean is the man in charge of raising money for queen Hillary's presidential run in 2008, and the RNC is raising ten dollars to every dollar the DNC raises? Is this a great country or WHAT??!!

11:40 AM  
Blogger Daffy76 said...

Oh, I can't wait to see the Hillary campaign fall flat on its butt. That's the main reason I want her to run. I want her to see how much America really hates her. I want America to make Hilary cry.
Is that evil?

5:33 AM  
Blogger Daffy76 said...

By the way, when you publish something on this blog-thing and then you realize you made a spelling mistake, why can't you go back and fix it? I just saw that I have Hillary's name spelled two different ways. I wouldn't want anyone to be confused about who I'm talking about.

5:35 AM  

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