Monday, July 25, 2005

I Wax Poetic . . .

This is a poem I wrote for my friend Meredith, for her baby shower. Enjoy.

For Meredith . . .

It’s never the same again.
Going out will never be as easy as it is right now.
You will look forward to doing the grocery shopping alone.
You will wonder how your house ever got dirty before.
You will wonder how you ever got tired before.
You will pray more than you have ever prayed before,
And sleep less.
It’s never the same after this.
Your wonderful husband, who always showered you with attention
Will often be otherwise occupied
And when he’s not, he’ll be asleep.
It’s never the same after this.
Even when Grandma babysits so you can go out with your husband
You will see children everywhere you go.
You will fight hard to keep from talking about them the whole time.
You will think of them every second while you are away,
And even be disappointed to find them asleep when you go to pick them up.
It’s never the same after this.
You will always remember how your arm felt just right
Aching with the weight of that tiny head,
Even after they are too big to hold that way anymore.
Your heart will not just be warmed, it will continually glow
Every time you hold a tiny hand, or kiss a tiny toe
Or blow raspberries on that little tummy.
No, it’s never the same after this.
You will tickle them just to hear them laugh.
Hold them while they sleep, just to be near them.
You will laugh more, and cry more than ever before.
Because having a baby is not anything like what you think it is.
It’s a heart condition.
You’ll never be the same after this.
Late at night, when you are so tired you ache
You will stumble through the house, trying not to step on any toys
You will reach down into the crib and lay your hand
On the chest of this sleeping miracle.
And you will not remember your life before.
You will not be able to imagine a life without.
No, it’s never the same after this.


Blogger Mark said...

I like that one! Even if it doesn't rhyme!

6:33 PM  
Blogger tugboatcapn said...

What are you trying to do to me!?!?!
I thought you were my friend...

7:44 PM  
Blogger Daffy76 said...

What's wrong, Tug? Is Xena reading this?

No pressure, man. No pressure. . .

6:34 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hmmmm. must be an inside joke.

7:49 PM  

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