Monday, July 11, 2005

Vacation Log

Now that I've answered the tag about my reading list, I'll tell everyone about my vacation.

My husband's step-grandfather, Finn, died Friday, July 1st after about a month of suffering in the last stages of cancer. The funeral was last Sunday. It's always interesting to spend time with my husband's family. They are an interesting collection of people. I have tons of respect for many of them and some of them, well let's just say the best comment I can come up with is YIKES!

My husband's family is from a little tee-tiny place called Davy, West Virginia. His grandmother divorced his grandfather when his dad was 12 and so his father has (let's see if I can tally this up right) one full brother, 4 full sisters (one deceased), a step-brother (deceased), three
step-sisters (one deceased), three half-sisters, and one adopted brother (who is also a nephew). Can you see why West Virginians get accused on in-breeding? No one can keep track of who is related to who.

None of these people were blood relatives of Finn's and few of them were ever very close to him, even before he became a heavy drinker, so it kind of felt like burying a goldfish. I'm not trying to trivialize his death, it was just an odd feeling.

The rest of the week was basically spent at home with my girls. Marley wore panties the entire week, with few accidents. I hope we're turning the potty-training corner. She's in panties at day-care for the first time today.

I discovered that my favorite time of day to play with Laney is right after her nap, before Marley is awake. She is truly a sweet little creature when she doesn't have to compete for my attention. She's a bit mommy-obsessed otherwise. She also loves instant Cheese Grits. Of course, you almost have to take a bath with her to clean up the mess she makes with them.

I am allergic to wasp stings. I was stung last Wednesday afternoon and my thigh literally looked like a hamburger patty by Wednesday night. I'm glad to say that it is healing, but I was really worried about it for awhile.

We also discovered that Marley is a big fan of the Water Park. My sister-in-law and I took our children there last Thursday. While Laney clung to Mommy and took quite a while to get used to the water, Marley was full-steam ahead. I almost had to drag her out of the place when it was time to go home.

Saturday night, my in-laws kept the kids overnight. Lewis and I had a chance to spend some time at home together and it was nice. It was kind of like the old days before the kids came along--except for all the baby pictures on the living room walls. It's weird how much you look forward to times like that alone, and then miss the kids so much when the moment actually comes. We rushed back to pick them up on Sunday and enjoyed time in the pool with them during the afternoon.

Now I have to get back to work. Have a nice day!


Blogger tugboatcapn said...

This was a beautiful post. You make me very proud...

8:40 PM  
Blogger Daffy76 said...

I like writing stuff like this. Feels like a sending a letter from camp.

6:32 AM  
Blogger tugboatcapn said...

So sorry to hear about Finn...
Please let all of the apropriate people know...
Our prayers are with them.

6:52 PM  

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