Thursday, June 23, 2005

I've been through about 10 topics today . . .

I'm not landing on anything. However, I am tired of the controversy I'm seeing on a lot of other blogs, so I'm going to try to steer clear of politics and religion. This means I probably won't have any comments on this one, but I can handle that.

Instead, a view of my life this week--

My husband (for his Father's Day present) finally gathered the last piece of the puzzle needed to change the cam in his truck. So, early Saturday morning we struck out for his brother's house to get started on the project. He wanted to start Friday night but I made him wait because we already had plans.

He worked all day Saturday, all day Sunday, Monday evening after work, and Tuesday evening after work. It was running fine yesterday, but today he calls me and it broke down at lunch. I'm still waiting to hear whether or not I need to pick him up from work today and what the garage he took it to is going to charge us.

This garage bill is a very annoying thing to me. My husband believes that no matter how hard we work to get ahead financially, the light at the end of the tunnel is always a train. I'm starting to agree with him. Let me say in regard to this though, we have everything we need and I'm thankful. The two healthy little girls that sleep down the hall from us are proof enough that we are blessed.

Speaking of my little miracles--Marley is steady on the path to becoming a potty trained individual. I'm very proud. When I think about this I always wonder, "what was I like to potty train?" I know my parents trained me early because I don't remember anything about it. However, when I talk to my mother about Marley's progress she always says, "Well, she's not even 2 1/2 yet." I know Mom is trying to keep me from losing my patience, but I thought that's about when everyone gets potty trained. I have a nephew who started training at 18 months (he did reasonably okay) and a neice who didn't train until she was nearly 3 years old (she did marvelously). So I figure 2 1/2 is about the right time to really push this and it's starting to click.

Last night while I was washing dishes, Marley kept bringing me toys that needed baths. It started with her plastic dinosaur and just grew from there. After a little bit, I had a whole sinkful of plastic toys. It's very interesting having a little kid around. It reminded me of how my mother used to complain that Grandma would clean out her refrigerator anytime you washed dishes at her house. You'd stand there, washing and washing and washing, thinking you were almost through and then random bowls would start to appear. Last, you'd have to wash the scrap bowl after Grandaddy took out the scraps.

Laney finally slept through the night for once this week. Night before last I didn't know what I was going to do with her. I could lay her down thinking she was fast asleep, crawl into bed, and shut my eyes, only to open them immediatly at the sound of her cries. I stumbled through the maze of small toys to get to her room (without injury) and soothed her again. But it was like the shampoo label--Lather, rinse, repeat.

I think I could sleep better if the fan in our room didn't always sound like a baby faintly crying down the hall. I jump up about once a night and walk about five steps from our bedroom door only to realize it's just my imagination. I know Lewis thinks I've lost my mind.

My parents are in Nashville for the SBC. They asked Dwayne to feed the cat and pick the squash. He called to offer me some squash today, but I forgot to go by and get it at lunch. I'll try to pick it up this afternoon if I don't have to go get Lewis from work. Then I'll fry some tonight! YUMMMM!

There's my life this week. Hope everyone out there's having a good one.


Blogger Daffy76 said...

Thank you. The feeling's mutual.

6:25 AM  

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