Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The War

It is interesting to me to see how strongly people feel about the War in Iraq. Let me start by saying that the troops that are involved in this conflict are truly heroes. We should thank God every day that they are willing to fight for us, whether they agree with the reasons or not. Now that I have said that, I want to say a few things about why I believe this war is justified.

First of all, America is a precious country. Nowhere else on earth are there so many ideas and is there so much freedom of expression. This blog is proof that whether or not you have something to say, you have the room to say it. We have alot of freedoms here that others do not enjoy. Therefore, I believe that we should do everything in our power to protect that freedom.

Saddam may not have had a gun to our heads literally, but give him time. I hear alot of people screaming about how wrong the President was to bring us into this, but I don't hear anybody trying to tell me what a good guy Saddam Hussein really is. They didn't find any WMD's. So what! Can you honestly tell me you believe he wouldn't nuke us on a whim? Even if he didn't have any of those weapons, he did evil things to his own people. Do we really believe he wouldn't do his best to annihilate us if given the chance? Saddam would have invaded this country in a heartbeat if he thought he could win. Then where would be?

Now, I know that we can't go to war with every country that dislikes us. But in this situation, we were also hoping to liberate some of the people Saddam was oppressing. We also needed to clean up what we didn't finish in the first war. If Saddam had done what he was supposed to we wouldn't have gone there. But he ignored the rules. If I tell my two-year-old that I'm going to to punish her if she does a particular thing, I better follow through or she will take advantage of me. This is the same equation. If you don't follow the rules, you're gonna get spanked.

Let's look at this objectively. The Bush-haters out there tell us that the President sold us a lie. That there never were any WMD's and that our troops are sacrificing their lives because Bush has some reason for needing a war. If we had not gone to war, and Saddam had attacked us, I guess that would be President Bush's fault too.

Why do they think Bush needs this war so badly? It's not making him more popular. From where I stand, he has fallen under far more harsh criticism due to this than anything else he has done.

It's also about time to show the world that America is not going to put up with just anything. We were attacked on 9/11 but we need to show the world that we're not going to lay down and die. Fighting the war in Iraq showed the world that if you're going to come at us, "you'd better have your mess in a pile" (that's quoting my brother).

What amazes me is how long we waited to go to war. If Bush was really such a hot-head about this thing we wouldn't have ridden the fence for six months before we actually engaged. People don't remember that part of it, but I do. I was expecting my first child then and I remember wondering every day when war would come and what it would mean. People that encouraged Bush to wait then are now the same ones wanting to pull out of Iraq before the time is right. They are the same people who will blame Bush if things fall apart over there in six months.

For once, it would sure be nice for people to trust the elected leader of our country and stop trying to find any excuse they can to call him a liar.


Blogger tugboatcapn said...

The reason that the left hates the President is that they still believe that he stole the 2000 election from Al Gore.
Take heart though, and always remember that conservatives haven't been aborting their voter base for thirty years. The tide is definitely turning...
Also remember that we are dealing with people who think that freedom of speech means being allowed to say the F-word on the radio. When confronted with a logical argument, they will usually revert to the very effective "Four legs good, Two legs bad" defense.
Excellent post, as always...

8:05 PM  
Blogger Daffy76 said...

I have real frustrations with the "he stole the election" argument. Never underestimate the ability of people who don't get their way to beat a dead horse. Doesn't anyone remember 2004?

I sincerely believe that the only way we avoided war during the Clinton presidency was that he was league with our enemies. Why overthrow a country when you can run it behind the scenes?

Anyway, those are my thoughts on all the controversy. My next post will hopefully be something lighter.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Toad734 said...

With what means was Saddam going to attack us? Would that be with his Mig-21s left over from the 60s?

There are 100 other countries out there who would attack us if they could, some now with WMDs and weapons of mass destruction and they are willing to sell to the highest bidder.

Bush is laughing at you and everyone else who swallowed all his bullshit.

9:16 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

We didn't go to war with Iraq specifically because he had WMD's. We went to war with them because Saddam failed to comply with the UN resolutions, demanding he let the inspectors in to determine if he really did get rid of the weapons as he claimed. Which brings us to the OTHER point. If he didn't have them, why wouldn't he let them in and prove it? We know he had them before. He murdered thousands of his own people and Iranians with them.
I think they still exist, not necessarily in Iraq, but they are hidden somewhere.

11:02 PM  
Blogger Daffy76 said...

I would rather trust our President than Saddam Hussein.

5:43 AM  

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