Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I'm Angry.

Today's WOMAN to WOMAN column in the local paper displayed the sheer egotism of the pro-choice viewpoint. And I'm mad about it.

I'm always angered a little bit by the abortion issue. Abortion is, in my mind, an atrocity. There are so many people in this world who want children that any time one is wasted to abortion is simply horrible to me.

Don't give me the scientific crap either about how it's not really a baby and when life actually begins. People can have babies at 25 and 26 weeks after conception that live. Medical technology has fought a long fight to save these children. And the only difference in these pre-mature miracles and aborted babies is whether or not the parents want them. Excuse me, but that's bull. A baby is a baby is a baby. Regardless of age, location or what anyone else thinks they are, we are talking about human beings. Living human beings.

Which is why the discussion of the rights of pharmacists to refuse prescriptions for the abortion pill (in the paper today) makes my skin crawl. Doctors have the right to refuse to perform abortions. Pharmacists should have that same right.

Before I go on let me quote the feminist idiot who managed to get me stirred up this way--
"We never hear about pharmacists objecting to Viagra refills. Men can go wild, but women are denied the same sexual freedom."

No we are not. We have every bit the same sexual freedom men do without the option of abortion. Isn't it a bit irresponsible to put Viagra and the abortion pill in the same category? We're comparing freedom to perform the act with freedom to destroy the consequences. Obtaining Viagra does not imply that a man is unwilling to care for the woman involved or the resulting children.

Let me quote again--"Should a woman with a high-risk pregnancy be turned down because a pharmacist has determined a fetus' life is more valuable that hers? I doubt moralists would have objections if it was their own child suffering."

Let's turn that question around. Should a woman pre-disposed to high-risk pregnancies abstain from sexual relations? There are a large number of contraceptives available at this time that are reasonably risk free. Shouldn't a woman in this position take the responsibility of checking into that? I know it's not a fool-proof answer, but I believe that freedom to choose is not something you can or should have after the fact. Your choice is made when you have sex.

Beside that, women who have children will tell you that their lives are not as important as their children's lives. This is argument turns completely around if you are talking about a three-year- old. The same woman who just called a baby a fetus in the quote above, would tell you that her children (if she has any, which I doubt) are the most perfect people in the world. If one of my darling daughters became pregnant and had to suffer a high-risk pregnancy, I would support them. But I would not choose my child over my grandchild, or vise-versa. (By the way, what kind of term is "moralist." Shouldn't we all be moral? Is she implying that she is amoral? I already knew she was, but she admits it!)

Granted, you don't always know if you're going to have a high risk pregnancy. Sometimes you just do. But the high-risk pregnancy is not the point being argued. Pro-choice advocates want us to believe that abortion protects the raped, the high-risk, and otherwise helpless victims of pregnancy. In reality, it is a matter of convenience and an attempt to escape the consequences of bad choices-A point that is emphasized by the Viagra comment above.

This is not about pharmacists refusing to dispense life-saving drugs. If we were discussing a pill that cures cancer or diabetes, you could point a finger at the pharmacists that didn't want to give it out. But this is a drug that is specifically manufactured to kill unborn babies. It doesn't promote life. It's death in a bottle.

Shouldn't that bother all of us?


Blogger tugboatcapn said...

Another point that pro-choice (pro-infanticide?) women leave out of their equasion is the rights of the father.
If a man gets a woman pregnant and HE doesn't want the child,but She does, she can still have it and he has to pay child support for eighteen years, whether he can afford it of not, whether he is around or not.
However, if HE wants the baby , and SHE doesn't, She can go down to the local clinic, and abort that man's child while he screams and bangs on the door outside.
For people who are so worried about everyone's right to choose, I don't know how they missed that...
Let me see how bluntly I can put this...
With Roe v/s Wade, the U.S. supreme court made it legal and acceptable for us to sacrifice the fruit of our bodies to the god of sexaul pleasure, and we as a nation are already paying the price for this idolitry.

3:37 PM  
Blogger Daffy76 said...

They leave men out of the equation because they hate men. That's all feminists really are, Men-haters.

Men are not just sperm-donors. The real sickness in this whole mixed up mess is that we have come to the point where so many children are conceived in situations like this.

It's really sad to see women who aren't excited about having a child. It's the most miraculous thing you can ever be a part of and American women are wasting this blessing every single day. Nothing is more special than conceiving a child with someone you love and that's exactly how children should be conceived. If not in wedlock, at least in loving relationships where it doesn't all come down to this kind of battle of the sexes if a baby is conceived.

People need to learn to keep their pants on.

6:33 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

As my late pastor's wife used to say, "I believe in a woman's right to choose. she may choose to keep her pants on or she can choose not to". Once she decides to have extra-marital sex, she no longer has a choice that affects another humans life.
I actually used to be Pro-choice, but 2 things changed my mind. I was listening to Chuck Swindoll on the radio, and he talked about when God said, "Before i formed you in the womb, I knew you." and then he told of the time Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who was already 6 months pregnant with Jesus' cousin, John the Baptist. When Mary told Elizabeth of her amazing conception, Elizabeth's unborn baby leaped with joy in her womb. These 2 things changed my mind about abortion. God changed my heart.

11:13 PM  
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