Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The End of the World

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.--Matthew 26:41

Are you creeped out that today is 6/6/06? Me neither.

The media seems to be preoccupied with that silly little fact today. It's been on every news report I've heard. "Today is the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year. What does it all mean?" Which is absolutley ridiculous, because while it is the sixth day of the sixth month, it is not the sixth year. Go back and ask Adam how what kind of day he had on the actual sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year--that date wouldn't have been 6/6/6 either. Even less accurate, is the year 6 A.D.--which historians estimate to be about the year of Jesus' birth. I could get into why the date and the signs of the end are not related in any way, but that would take too long.

But the date--or more accurately--how we write the date today seems to be on a lot of minds. Even the pastor of the church where I work asked me if I thought the rapture would occur today. With so many people expecting it to, I think the chances are higher for tomorrow. After all, Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour. So while the rapture could occur today, I don't think it will because God wouldn't want any smarty-pants people saying, "I told you so."

But the end of the world will come. Don't worry about that. At least if you do worry about it, worry about it in the sense that you live your life the way you should, always expecting that each day may be your last. Because we never know.

A family in our community lost their little boy last week. He was only five years old and he died in his sleep. No one knows right now exactly what happened, but the fact remains, we are only given a certain amount of time. Don't wait until tomorrow to do the right thing, you may not have a future here.

It's difficult to explain how we can be homesick for heaven and so earth bound at the same time. We cling to life for so many reasons. We want to see how it all works out. But reality is that life is like a t.v. show or book that we never finish. Hardly anyone dies with all the loose ends tied up. We forget that we will have all the answers we need when we are ushered into paradise.

Thinking about this is tough, because I know that at any moment I could be snatched from the lives of the people I love. I wouldn't want my children to grow up without knowing me, for my husband to have to raise them without me, or for him to miss out on growing old with me. We've spend the difficult years of getting to know each other, raising small children and financial struggles together so I'd like to think that our happiest years are ahead. Even the rapture is tricky. Because while I know that heaven will be great, and my children (too young to be accountable) and my husband will be there with me, I still in some way wonder what the rest of my life would be like.

We always have to remember that the end of the world, is not the end of everything. It's like the REM song says, "It's the end of the world, as we know it." And really that can be said of everyday, because we don't know what is ahead. We only have sketches and shadows of what is to come.


Blogger tugboatcapn said...

Not me.

I know everything. Almost.

6:47 PM  
Blogger tugboatcapn said...

Actually, I talked to the Devil today, and he told me that he was all tuckered out from causing Mischief every day for the past 99 years, 364 days, that he had decided to take today off.

So, no worries.

Watch out tommorrow, though...

6:52 PM  
Blogger Al-Ozarka said...

Wonderful piece!

6:52 AM  

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