Monday, February 09, 2009

Emerging from My Cave

I took some time this afternoon to look back at some of my old posts. It was quite enjoyable. One amazing thing for me was the range of topics I have addressed here. I have covered quite a lot of ground, from my relationship with the Lord, to my opinions on news stories, to the development of my children, etc. Looking back, I did quite a bit of reflection on where I was two years ago and where I am now and I decided a couple of things.

First of all, I need to write. It's part of who I am and I have missed it. So I am back. I will try to post something at least once a week from now on. I realize that I may be simply talking to myself. That's okay. I've realized that this is one of the best ways I can find to cope. So, if it's just me, that's perfectly fine.

Secondly, my children are growing up way too fast. The last time I posted anything on my children, Marley was 4 years old. She's six years old now, halfway through kindergarten and she lost her first tooth last week. Laney has just learned to tie her shoes. These years are amazing and they are fleeting.

Third, God is my refuge and strength. From reading my previous posts this afternoon, I was struck by how brightly the thread of God's presence shows in all my life. I know I'm often not as close to him as I should be, but he's always there for me. That's an amazing fact.

So, I'll be here if anyone's interested, or not.


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